
Ett litet experiment bara, skriver på nya mobilen (en aning rättat dock) och på engelska... Det kliade i fingrarna och jag ville prova skriva på engelska, så det här är resultatet ^^' Handlingen är väldigt random och hyfsat osammanhängande, but whatever, ni kan få läsa i alla fall (den gör ingen nytta instängd i en mapp någonstans ;)).

“Come on, John!” Edward waved at him, begging him to hurry. The older twin sighed, but did - as always - what his brother wanted him to.

   It was the middle of an unusually hot summer and the twins were twelve, almost teenagers. Edward was the one who came up with the idea of going for a swim. John himself would never have thought about it, he was too exhausted of the heat. But, it was a good idea. So John simply grabbed everything he needed and rushed after his brother, who was already waiting by the lake.

If this had been a normal summer they wouldn’t have lived in a house by a lake. But this wasn’t the place where they used to spend their summers. Their parents had decided to rent a house on the country. No one complained about that.


   “I’m on my way!” he answered, a bit irritated. Edward could obviously see him and know that he was on his way. Then he saw the smile on his brother’s face and couldn’t help but smile as well. Like always. He never understood how some people could not smile when they saw his brother happy. It was the only thing needed to make John himself happy. Some people never smiled at them, and when they did smile at the twins, one (or both) of the brothers were usually in pain. Though, those people were not going to infect John’s summer - he wouldn’t let them - so he pushed those thoughts away. Right now the summer was the important thing; the problems would have to wait. He ran into the water right behind his twin. It wasn’t that cold, but still could enough to make him shiver.

   “I thought you said it was warm!” he complained, not sure if he should be yelling or laughing.

   “I think it is” Edward said, innocent as always. John just laughed and shook his head.

   “You’re weird”

   “That makes two of us” Edward replied and winked at his brother. Then he fled when John came running after him.



Hejsan! Du har hittat till en fanfiction-blogg om våra älskade tvillingar JOHN & EDWARD Grimes, aka JEDWARD. Här finns noveller skrivna ur alla möjliga vinklar, följetonger och korta, glada och sorgsna. Om ni vill kopiera något; gör det! Men länka tillbaka, och låt mig veta ;-)

Ni får hemskt gärna lämna en kommentar innan ni går <3


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